Brothers Sephen and Davante Martinez watch a presentation by nonprofit Spark Northwest project manager Haya Muñoz, center, at St. Michael’s Episcopal Mission in Yakima. (Credit: Courtney Flatt / NWPB) Listen […]Read More
While hiking, Nancy Lust, with Friends of Rocky Top, watches a truck dump waste into a landfill in Yakima County. Lust lives near the landfill and has fought to learn […]Read More
Seattle será una de las sedes de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2026. Sin embargo, la fiesta del fútbol se extenderá a las comunidades locales, con zonas para aficionados que se instalarán a algunas partes del estado de Washington.Read More
Seattle is one of the host cities for the 2026 FIFA World Cup. However, the soccer party will extend to local communities, with fan zones coming to parts of Washington state. Read More
Patrick Smith of Loftus Ranches relies on temporary workers to tend his crops. Immigration policy has broad impact, he says. Patrick Smith grows apples and hops at Loftus Ranches in […]Read More
Virginia Hislop, of Yakima, recently participated in the commencement ceremony at Stanford University. She earned a master’s degree in education in 1941. (Credit: Annie Warren / NWPB) watch Listen (Runtime […]Read More
Bree R. Black Horse ha estado trabajando como asistente del fiscal de los EE.UU. dedicada a procesar casos de personas indígenas desaparecidas o asesinadas en el Noroeste.Read More
Bree Black Horse has been working as the Assistant U.S. Attorney dedicated to prosecuting Missing and Murdered Indigenous People cases in the Northwest. Read More
Las celebraciones del Cinco de Mayo comenzaron el viernes en el centro de Washington. Este fin de semana habrá diferentes actividades para entretener y educar a la comunidad sobre la cultura hispana. Read More
Cinco de Mayo events begin Friday in Central Washington, and different activities are scheduled this weekend to entertain and educate people about the Hispanic culture. Read More
Las Bibliotecas del Valle de Yakima celebrarán el Día de los niños y los libros el sábado 27 de abril. El evento fomenta el multiculturalismo, los idiomas y la lectura, al tiempo que promueve la importancia y el bienestar de la infancia.Read More
Libraries in the Yakima Valley will celebrate Día, a children and books day, on Saturday. The event fosters multiculturalism, languages and reading, while promoting childhood importance and well-being. Read More
Bree R. Black Horse es la nueva asistente del fiscal, dedicada a investigar casos relacionados con personas indígenas desaparecidas y asesinadas en el Noroeste.Read More
Bree R. Black Horse is the new prosecutor dedicated to solving cases involving Missing and Murdered Indigenous People in the Northwest.Read More
Jacob Johns speaks at an event September 19, 2023 in Spokane, Washington after unveiling his “Free the Vote” mural. (Credit: Jeff Ferguson) Listen (Runtime :57) Read Jacob Johns is an […]Read More
This historical photo, provided to Oregon Public Broadcasting by Pacific University archivist Eva Guggemos, shows seven boys who came to the Forest Grove Indian Training School from the Spokane Tribe […]Read More
Becoming a U.S. citizen is the goal of some immigrants. Sometimes, doing it without help can be difficult; but, in Central Washington, there are citizenship legal clinics to help applicants with their naturalization processes.Read More
Convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense es una de las metas de muchos inmigrantes. A veces, hacerlo sin ayuda puede ser motivo de preocupación; pero, en Yakima, una clínica legal de ciudadanía ayuda a las personas a despejar sus dudas y los acompaña en la solicitud de naturalización de principio a fin.Read More
In Yakima, some organizations use art to promote mental health. After-school activities and events help people to explore self-expression and creativity to improve their emotional and social well-being. Read More
Recently, a Yakima orchard family settled with the state for $500,000 in back wages owed to some 400 farm workers. [Photo courtesy of Washington State Fruit Commission] Read A family-owned […]Read More
The Naches River is the main source of drinking water for the City of Yakima. Credit: Cmh2315fl, Flickr Creative Commons.) Listen (Runtime 1:02) Read Thunderstorms high in the Cascades recently […]Read More
Después de 25 años, una biblioteca sobre ruedas vuelve a recorrer el valle de Yakima. Con un moderno bibliobús, las bibliotecas quieren derribar las barreras de acceso a sus servicios y ofrecer experiencias divertidas que unan a las comunidades. Read More
While hiking, Nancy Lust, with Friends of Rocky Top, watches a truck dump waste into a landfill in Yakima County. Lust lives near the landfill and has fought to learn […]Read More
After 25 five years, a library on wheels is driving again through the Yakima Valley. With a modern bookmobile, the libraries want to break down the barriers to accessing their services and provide fun experiences that bring communities together.Read More
Al comenzar el mes nacional de concientización sobre los casos de mujeres y personas indígenas desaparecidas y asesinadas (MMIW/P), las familias siguen llamando la atención sobre las barreras y los retos que experimentan al abordar la crisis en Washington.Read More
As the national awareness month on the crisis starts, families continue calling attention to the barriers and challenges they experience when addressing the missing and murdered indigenous women and people MMIW/P crisis in Washington. Read More
Language exchange students work on activities during a class in Yakima. Credit: Johanna Bejarano / NWPB. Listen (Runtime 1:55) Read In Yakima, a community-based organization helps Spanish and English speakers […]Read More
By signing into law House Bill 1512, Washington state will create an online toolkit meant to assist families and law enforcement seeking to locate and recover missing persons.
The act, known as the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Persons and Lucian Act, is in part named after Lucian Munguia, who was 4 years old when he went missing in Yakima last September. His Read More
While hiking, Nancy Lust, with Friends of Rocky Top, watches a truck dump waste into a landfill in Yakima County. Lust lives near the landfill and has fought to learn […]Read More
La edad no es un obstáculo para los inmigrantes hispanos que desean completar su educación básica. Ahora, el Gobierno de México se asoció con organizaciones locales para ofrecer un programa de educación para adultos en Yakima. El programa busca dar a las familias las herramientas para mejorar sus vidas.Read More
Age is not an obstacle for Hispanic immigrants wanting to complete their basic education. Now, the Mexican government is partnering to offer an adult education program in Yakima. The program seeks to give families the tools to improve their life. Read More
Yakima Chief of Police, Matthew Murray, addresses the public at a press conference, Tuesday. (Screenshot from Yakima Police Dept. Facebook) Listen Three people were fatally shot at a gas station […]Read More
Washington Sen. Rebecca Saldaña, D-Seattle, at a press conference in Yakima after Election Day. Credit: Audel Ramirez Listen (Runtime 1:05) Read A majority Latino population, redistricting and a renewed election […]Read More
Stress, burnout, and teacher shortages are concerns in many parts of the Northwest. But, some school districts in Central Washington are different. They have no teacher shortages and officials are making teachers' mental health a priority. Read More
Up on a hilltop in Yakima County, Carole Degrave used to spend hours outside, watching wildlife, eating an apple, and enjoying the calm. In her backyard, wind chimes blow softly in the breeze. A 30-year-old apricot tree shades the center of her yard.Read More
Las tarjetas para las elecciones primarias están en manos de los votantes de Washington. Deben ser devueltas o enviadas por correo antes del martes. De izquierda a derecha: Maggie Yates, […]Read More
Yakima County Sheriff Robert Udell, Yakima County Sheriff, held a press conference to discuss the ptalk about the Regional Criminal Intelligence Center proposal. Photo from live streaming via Facebook. Read […]Read More
El sheriff del condado de Yakima, Robert Udell, ofreció una rueda de prensa para hablar de la propuesta del Centro Regional de Inteligencia Criminal. Captura de pantalla de la transmisión […]Read More
Poster about heat related illness. Credit: Listen NWPB’s Johanna Bejarano reports on heat prevention (Runtime 0:52) Read High temperatures are expected across the country but not as severe in […]Read More
Imagen de la obra “Silenced”, de Morgan Greene, que estará expuesta en el Capitolio. Read Una estudiante de último año de la escuela secundaria A.C. Davis de Yakima ganó el […]Read More
La Ciudad de Yakima ya no izará banderas privadasRead More
According to data from the University of Southern California, 12.000 adult immigrants are eligible to become citizens in Yakima County. Ninety-four percent are Hispanics. José Tapia became a U.S. citizen in March. At age 83.Read More
Según datos de la Universidad del Sur de California, en el condado de Yakima hay 12.000 inmigrantes adultos que pueden obtener la ciudadanía. El 94% son hispanos. José Tapia se convirtió en ciudadano estadounidense en marzo, a los 83 años.Read More
Latino Voters Challenge Yakima Redistricting Map.Read More
Una demanda federal desafía el plan de redistribución legislativa del Estado de Washington. Individuos y organizaciones alegan que la nueva distribución diluye la fuerza de los votantes latinos en el Valle de Yakima y viola la Ley Federal del Derecho al Voto.Read More
Several Northwest cities set record high temperatures for Saturday. Spokane was not one of them. Its official high of 98 fell two degrees short. In eastern Washington, Pasco, Hanford and Yakima were among those setting records for June 26.Read More
A Crosscut investigation found at least 183 police officers flagged for issues such as dishonesty, bias and excessive force remain in law enforcement.Read More
What started as a slow trickle of people became a flood of cars over Easter weekend at the FEMA vaccination center in Yakima. And as April 15 approaches (when all adults are eligible for vaccination in Washington), some Seattleites are heading East for a coveted Covid-19 shot.Read More
Yakima County will soon get a boost to its existing vaccine distribution at an existing site set up at county fairgrounds. But unlike other sites around the state managed directly through the state, including in the Tri-Cities, Wenatchee and Spokane, the Yakima site will have the support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Read More
The south-central region of Washington's 8-region area for coronavirus restrictions can immediately reopen. That news came Sunday from the state Department of Health. It means the counties encompassing Walla Walla, the Tri-Cities, Yakima and Ellensburg can advance to Phase 2.Read More