Students and staff at Washington State University are celebrating Native Heritage Month with events honoring Native heritage. Read More
More Murrow News Stories PULLMAN, WASH – The College Hill neighborhood is unique in the city of Pullman. Most mornings it’s quiet, this is a stark contrast to nights and […]Read More
Employers in foodservice are having difficulty filling positions. At WSU Dining Services, that difficulty led to the closure of a coffee shop, limited hours for markets and cutback on catering services.Read More
When Nick Rolovich was relieved of his duties as head football coach on Monday, it inspired strong reactions from across the WSU community and the nation. But it also inspired […]Read More
WSU researchers unlock key to elk hoof disease mystery. Read More
http:// PULLMAN, WA (MURROW NEWS 8) – College can be stressful and hard both from an educational aspect and a financial aspect. Students all over the world are having to […]Read More
PULLMAN – WSU announced that starting on October 9th for their game against Oregon State, anyone 12 and older is required to be fully vaccinated or provide a negative COVID […]Read More
More Murrow News Stories PULLMAN, WASH -Let’s rewind back to spring 2020. Pre-COVID-19 shutdown. The WSU Horticulture Club had around $53,000 worth of plants growing in their greenhouses for their […]Read More
More Murrow News Stories PULLMAN WASH.- Like many students, Washington State University senior Makenzie Campbell is celebrating the start of a new school year, but that’s not the only thing […]Read More
The Whitman County prosecutor has filed criminal charges against 15 current or former members of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity at Washington State University following the death of a student from alcohol poisoning.Read More
PULLMAN, Wash.- Cougar Marching Band members were present in Martin Stadium during the 2020 football season as cardboard cutouts, but athletic band staff are planning to return musicians to the […]Read More
Washington State University graduated its first-ever medical school class during a virtual ceremony Thursday, part of a three-day university-wide festival of commencements.Read More
What the struggle over recognition for WSU's Gay Awareness student group shows is some of the similarities between rural and urban LGBTQ rights. Rural areas — especially college towns like Pullman or Moscow — are also queer places. People in cities who were against gay rights used the same tactic as those in Pullman—the public-referendum—to deny housing or employment Read More
More Murrow News Stories PULLMAN, WASH -Running, this has been the been the center of Paul Ryan’s life for the past five years at Washington State University. Paul is a […]Read More
More Murrow News Stories PULLMAN, WASH – A national organization was recently founded at Washington State University, and in just a short amount of time, it has made an impact. “She […]Read More
More Murrow News Stories PULLMAN – For student-athletes like WSU women’s soccer player Kelis Barton, the discussion around compensation is less about what the university is providing and more about […]Read More
For the first time in 15 years, Jocelyn Granados will visit her grandmother in Mexico.Read More
While Samantha Edgerton, a second-year doctoral student at Washington State University, logs on to three-hour Zoom classes, her 8-year-old son completes school activities in the next room. Read More
More Murrow News Stories PULLMAN, WASH – Dodge Matthews has been waiting for his grandparents to get the coronavirus vaccine “They’ve been eligible to get the COVID vaccine, but it’s […]Read More
More Murrow News Stories PULLMAN, WASH – COVID-19 vaccinations are well under way and many folks are acquiring eligibility to receive the first few rounds of the vaccine, but there […]Read More
More Murrow News Stories PULLMAN, WASH – (Murrow News 8) Washington State University’s recent change to the traditional weeklong spring break has caused frustrations, and students have called for a change. […]Read More
More Murrow News Stories PULLMAN- The WSU design and construction team took first place at a construction competition last Thursday. The competition included 1,100 students from 47 universities in this […]Read More
More Murrow News Stories PULLMAN, WA- Members of ASWSU have banded together to create a referendum that helps fund food banks and help college students in need of food. The […]Read More
Police recommend hazing charges for two WSU students, including an Alpha Tau Omega fraternity member who acted as a “big brother” to Samuel Martinez, who died in November 2019. Martinez’s family previously sued the fraternity and university.Read More
More Murrow News Stories PULLMAN (Murrow News 8) – Dr. Walden takes WSU’s Land-Grant mission seriously. “Our three pillars are teaching, research, and outreach,” Walden said. “Athletics is not part of […]Read More
On a summer day of 1988, with only a plastic bag full of homemade wheat bread and desire for a better life, my father and his friend crossed an old wire fence as if they were going on a picnic. Two minutes later, they were stepping on American soil.Read More
In this installment of the "Past as Prologue" series comes the story of a U.S. soldier, Sgt. George Yamauchi , from Pasco. He asked in 1943: 'What is an American?' Yamauchi penned the question in the local newspaper after his family was persecuted. The question defining who is an American is as relevant today as it was then. Read More
The group of Western scientists that reviews Covid vaccine decisions made by the Food and Drug Administration has approved the new Moderna vaccine. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announced Sunday the Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup has voted unanimously to put this second vaccine on the market.Read More
Listen to this essay by Connor Henricksen as he recounts life in isolation. Read More
In the gray dawn of the morning he was supposed to leave, my dad came into my room. He sat on the edge of my bed, making a depression in the sheets. He told me to pack my bags and that he would come back in about an hour to get my sister and I — we were going back to Colorado. Read More
I don’t know how old I was when I developed obsessive-compulsive disorder. It had to be pretty young, because I remember being upset about turning seven. I cried because it was a “bad number” and it would take five years for me to turn 12, which was the best number. It was my number.Read More
Most of my early childhood I spent being embarrassed that my parents had accents and that my food at lunch always smelled differently than everyone else’s. My dad always made me Arepas for school and no one would know what it was. Kids would just stare and continue eating their goldfish. Read More
Throughout his career, Edward R. Murrow celebrated stories about the values, experiences, and trails that shape the lives of Americans. As Murrow wrote in 1951, these personal stories can inspire, […]Read More
If you were unaware the Apple Cup was even happening this year, then you’re probably not alone. After all, the Pac-12 football season was canceled. Then it was back, three weeks ago, with a shortened 6-game season and safety protocols. Those required canceling games if a team couldn’t field a minimum number of 53 scholarship players. Read More
In a non-pandemic world, there is usually parking lot across from Martin Stadium packed with campers and tailgaters all gathering for one thing: Cougar football. But when Washington State University hosts its first home game of the year on Saturday, the stands – and the parking lot – will be empty. Read More
Neida Regis began working in Washington orchards when she was 14. Now 20, she knew she and her family had to return to the harvest this year, even under the threat of COVID. Read More
More Murrow News Stories PULLMAN (Murrow News 8) – Students at Washington State University are five weeks into online classes this fall. This is causing difficulties with some of the students […]Read More
Online classes and no fall college sports spell trouble for Washington college towns like Pullman, Ellensburg and Bellingham that lean on a higher education-fueled economy.Read More
On Tuesday night, the Pullman City Council updated municipal code to allow police to ticket individual party attendees – not just hosts. A first offense will cost $250. A second will be $500 with a mandatory court appearance. (See the full ordinance change here.)Read More
Washington State University decided in late July that this fall semester would be entirely online. But thousands of students are still in Pullman. President Kirk Schulz says the university is very concerned about the rapid increase in cases.Read More
On Monday, Aug. 31, the Moscow-based school reported 24 COVID-19 cases. That’s from over 2,300 recent tests on students and staff. Unlike in nearby Pullman across the border, Moscow has not seen a huge spike in cases. Washington State University is responding to a recent surge – more than 300 cases in Pullman in the past 10 days. Read More
The numbers bring Whitman County’s total case count since March to 559. Well over half of those have come in the past 10 days. Nearly all the new cases are in Pullman’s college-age population – despite Washington State University moving classes online for this fall semester.Read More
Spokane Superintendent Adam Swinyard says parents in his district can choose full-year distance learning or an option that allows for a transition to classroom learning, if that becomes possible later. Both would involve live instruction with teachers. For other districts, like Pullman, there's still an open question about what the fall term will look like, at least in the Read More
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee says the coronavirus pandemic continues to greatly affect the state in serious and dangerous ways. In a news conference Thursday, Inslee announced updates to the state’s ongoing response and four-phase reopening plan.Read More
Two faculty members in the WSU College of Medicine have earned new grants for projects related to COVID-19 and cancer. Professors Ofer Amram and Patrik Johansson have each been awarded $100,000 from the Andy Hill CARE Fund for cancer research in western Washington.Read More
From The Dalles, Oregon to Brewster, Washington, Northwest cherry growers are checking their orchards now, just before harvest. Infected trees have to be cut down. And the disease can spread like wildfire from tree to tree until an entire orchard is just stumps. Read More
In a school-wide announcement Friday, Green said UI, with its main campus in Moscow, will have in-person instruction beginning August 24.
But, he said to prepare for big changes to how things have looked on campus before the pandemic. Read More
Are your pets at risk from COVID-19? According to animal scientists, no. The risk is low as there has not been an increase in the number of pets with respiratory issues. Read More
Colleges have been careful to leave the door open on their plans for the fall semester. Most experts say it will be anything but normal. Here's a sampling of how it could look.Read More
In a study recently published in the Journal of Wildlife Management, WSU scientists found that lynx only occupy about 20% of potential habitat in Washington.Read More