Eastmont Junior High School students make their way past the 800 wing on the way to their second period in East Wenatchee. (Credit: Jacob Ford / Wenatchee World) Listen (Runtime […]Read More
Information for parents is posted in the school lobby in both English and Spanish at Lewis and Clark Elementary School in Wenatchee. (Credit: Jacob Ford / Wenatchee World) Listen (Runtime […]Read More
Corazón de México folklorico dancer Yuri Mora picks a book at NCW Libraries’ station at Wenatchee School District’s Migrant and Multilingual Night. (Credit: Jacob Ford / Wenatchee World) Listen (Runtime […]Read More
Lewis and Clark Elementary School is a dual language school in Wenatchee with over 400 students. (Credit: Jacob Ford / Wenatchee World) Listen (Runtime 1:16) Read By Reneé Diaz and […]Read More
De este a oeste, educadores de escuelas secundarias de Washington comparten con sus alumnos el espíritu y el significado cultural del mariachi.Read More
We are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month and here is a story about how music programs and certificates are expanding Mariachi knowledge among younger generations in Washington.Read More
El estrés, el agotamiento y la escasez de profesores preocupan en muchas partes del noroeste. Pero algunos distritos escolares de Washington Central son diferentes; dicen que no tienen escasez de profesores y los funcionarios están haciendo de la salud mental de los profesores una prioridad.Read More
Stress, burnout, and teacher shortages are concerns in many parts of the Northwest. But, some school districts in Central Washington are different. They have no teacher shortages and officials are making teachers' mental health a priority. Read More
Alfonso López, Director de Relaciones Hispano-Latinas del Distrito Escolar de Wenatchee. Foto: Cortesía Alfonso López. LEA El Distrito Escolar de Wenatchee quiere reforzar las relaciones con la comunidad latina. Alfonso […]Read More
Alfonso Lopez is the bridge between the Hispanic/Latino community and the Wenatchee School District. Photo from www.wenatcheeschools.org. Listen (Runtime 4:28) Read The Wenatchee School District wants stronger relations with the […]Read More