A new bill making its way through the Washington Legislature would require county and tribal approval for new wind and solar projects that go through the state’s Energy Facility Site […]Read More
Grand Coulee Dam in eastern Washington. Changes to the Columbia River Treaty could mean more flood risk management is controlled at the dam. (Credit: Shutterbug Fotos / Flickr Creative Commons) […]Read More
The Columbia River west of the Gorge as it heads toward Portland and out to the Pacific Ocean. (Credit: Amelia Templeton / OPB) WATCH Listen (Runtime 1:01) Read After more […]Read More
Elaine Harvey, Jeremy Takala, Simone Anter. J.D. Reeves/High Country News Read B. ‘Toastie’ Oaster | High Country News This story was originally published by High Country News. When Yakima Nation leaders […]Read More
Huckleberries are considered a culturally important first food for some Northwest tribes. (Credit: David Baron / Flickr Creative Commons) Listen (Runtime 1:05) Read For the Nez Perce Tribe, connections to […]Read More
Grizzly bear in Yellowstone National Park. (Courtesy: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) Listen (Runtime 0:57) Read Federal officials are considering several possibilities to bring grizzly bears to Washington’s North Cascades. […]Read More
Yakama Nation biologist Dave’y Lumley shows Aleeyah McJoe, 7, an adult lamprey at the Yakama Nation’s Willamette Falls Lamprey Celebration. (Credit: Courtney Flatt / Northwest News Network) Listen (Runtime 0:59) […]Read More
The Ice Harbor Dam on the Snake River. CREDIT: BPA Listen (Runtime 1:02) Read At a Congressional hearing in Richland, Wash., designed to defend the four Lower Snake River dams […]Read More
Around this time each year, women and girls from the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Reservation gather wild celery. They say their ancestors come back through the plant, and the ceremonial dig marks the arrival of spring.Read More
Researchers with Oregon State University in coordination with the Nez Perce tribe have found stone artifacts that date back about 3,000 years earlier than other finds in the Americas. Fourteen projectile points found along Idaho’s Salmon River - some just fragments - are delicately flaked, razor sharp and made of various stones.Read More
Miss Yakama Nation Ellia-Lee Jim and Jr Miss Yakama Nation-Tehya Listen Eleven years after the Condit Dam was removed from the White Salmon River, the fish (and the land) are […]Read More
Salmon advocates want negotiators to consider salmon and the Columbia River’s ecosystem as a part of an agreement between the U.S. and Canada.Read More
Vegetation Returns Yakama Nations Fishieries Listen (Runtime :56) Read 11 years ago, the Condit Dam was removed and this year the Yakama Nation will celebrate the anniversary of the return […]Read More
Listen (Runtime 1:18) Read The Yakama Nation hosted an event at the confluence of the Yakima and Columbia rivers in Richland to celebrate Tribal heritage and culture. The event also […]Read More
Building a canoe is about learning and community-building for everyone involved. That’s what one Nez Perce man said before launching a canoe that was handmade with the help of fourth graders into the water on Tuesday.Read More
A scheme to entertain a 4-year-old youngster in Spokane by playing a jazz album nearly three decades ago produced a cascade of aftereffects that culminated on stage in Olympia, Washington, this month with crescendos of horns and multiple standing ovations. During the debut of a 16-piece, all-Indigenous big band, the performers on stage hearkened even further back in Read More
After 25 years, a $608,100 purchase by the Nimiipuu (Nez Perce) tribe to buy back a collection of artifacts was returned this November by the Ohio History Connection.Read More
Like interlaced fingers, the Inabas and the Yakama Nation have been collaborating to farm for generations. Now, this Japanese-American family, who owned and leased the land for a time, is returning it to the Yakama Nation.Read More
The Washington State Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People (MMIW/P) Task Force held its first meetings in Toppenish.Read More
Anthropology research at Washington State University is helping the Kalispel Tribe bring traditional foods back to its community.Read More
A new policy at Washington State University is breaking ground for its requirement that the university consult, and gain consent from tribal groups impacted by university research, infrastructure projects and other activities that affect them.Read More
A federal appeals court dismissed a lawsuit from Yakama Nation and Grand Ronde tribal leaders, who claimed a 2008 highway expansion destroyed a sacred site near Mount Hood.Read More
Upper Columbia tribes want help to continue reintroducing salmon above Grand Coulee Dam.Read More
Tribal leaders from the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation and the Confederated Tribes of Grande Ronde said that the federal government knowingly destroyed a sacred religious site near Mount Hood in 2008 when it bulldozed the area for a highway safety project. The long-running case over religious freedom was back in court Tuesday.Read More
On Monday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would provide $11 million to improve unsafe and unsanitary living conditions at tribal fishing sites on the Columbia River.Read More
For generations, Native American women have been victimized at astonishing rates, with federal figures showing that more than half have encountered sexual and domestic violence at some point during their lives — even amid a wave of efforts aimed at reducing such crimes.Read More