El Museo REACH de Richland presenta una nueva exposición titulada “Migration to Community”, que destaca las contribuciones de los hispanos y latinos en Hanford. Read More
The Reach Museum in Richland is featuring a new exhibition called Migration to Community, which highlights the contributions of Hispanics and Latinos at Hanford. Read More
The thermal treatment system for soil contamination in Zone A of the Pasco Sanitary Landfill. (Credit: Washington Department of Ecology) Listen (Runtime 1:07) Read A closed landfill just outside Pasco, […]Read More
The 2024 election is underway, and the candidates' campaigns in central Washington are moving forward.
As part of NWPB’s elections coverage, we surveyed our audience and asked listeners to submit questions they would like our news team to ask candidates. Read More
Candidate Deb Manjarrez, a Republican, and candidate Ana Ruiz Kennedy, a Democrat, are running for Washington State House in the 14th Legislative District. (Credit: Manjarrez’s and Ruiz Kennedy’s campaigns websites) […]Read More
Tras conocerse los resultados de las elecciones primarias de Washington, las miradas siguen puestas en los principales comicios de todo el estado.Read More
With Washington's primary election results in, eyes remain on key races throughout the state. On Thursday, the Office of the Secretary of State certified the Aug. 6 Primary results and ordered a statewide manual recount of the Commissioner of Public Lands race.Read More
Las celebraciones del Cinco de Mayo comenzaron el viernes en el centro de Washington. Este fin de semana habrá diferentes actividades para entretener y educar a la comunidad sobre la cultura hispana. Read More
Cinco de Mayo events begin Friday in Central Washington, and different activities are scheduled this weekend to entertain and educate people about the Hispanic culture. Read More
The Tri-Cities Airport in Pasco is piloting a new program that could lead the country in cleanly disposing of deicing wastewater using worms. (Credit: BioFiltro) Listen (Runtime 0:57) Read To […]Read More
El Concejo de Pasco decidió por unanimidad disolver Downtown Pasco Development Authority (la autoridad encargada del desarrollo del centro de la ciudad), durante una reunión ordinaria celebrada el pasado 15 de abril.Read More
The Pasco City Council unanimously decided to dissolve the Downtown Pasco Development Authority, after a public hearing this week. The Authority had been examined for months, and a state audit questioned its administrative management. Read More
At the top of a hill, a tractor with a 17-foot wide planter plugs seed potatoes into the sandy ground at the Ice Harbor Hilltop Farm east of Burbank. (Credit: […]Read More
De este a oeste, educadores de escuelas secundarias de Washington comparten con sus alumnos el espíritu y el significado cultural del mariachi.Read More
A Latino employee filed a complaint against the Pasco School District. It says the district did not protect employees from discrimination and retaliation. But the District says it doesn’t tolerate discrimination.Read More
We are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month and here is a story about how music programs and certificates are expanding Mariachi knowledge among younger generations in Washington.Read More
Interior of an empty courtroom with gavel and sounding block on the desk. (Credit: Getty Images) Listen (Runtime 1:04) Read After years of investigation, Washington’s attorney general has charged the […]Read More
Attendees gather on the shores of the Snake River at Hells Gate State Park to take place in the All Our Relations flotilla on September 30, 2023. (Credit: Lauren Paterson […]Read More
Incumbent Pasco City Councilmember Irving Brown has been targeted by racist letters, a knocked down campaign sign and vandalism in his yard. His supporters held a rally in Pasco on […]Read More
Becoming a U.S. citizen is the goal of some immigrants. Sometimes, doing it without help can be difficult; but, in Central Washington, there are citizenship legal clinics to help applicants with their naturalization processes.Read More
Supporters and protesters outside of The Emerald of Siam in Richland. (Credit: Johanna Bejarano / NWPB) Listen (Runtime 1:52) Read Drag shows in the Tri-Cities have come under protest. Some […]Read More
Chris Aquino is a midfielder soccer player from Pasco. He is a source of pride among family and friends in the Tri-Cities. Aquino recently helped the Under-17 Men’s National soccer team qualify for the FIFA Under-17 World Cup. Now, he is a national example of Pasco’s talented soccer players.Read More
Listen (Runtime 1:31) Read In Franklin County, there are no cannabis retail stores. Pasco is considering changing their moratorium on pot shops. The city recently held two listening sessions for […]Read More
FlikrCreativeCommons James St. John Listen {RunTime 1:29} Read Pasco City Council wants to hear from the public regarding allowing Pot sales downtown. In June, Entrepreneur David Morgan asked the council […]Read More
A Ukrainian refugee center in Przemysl, Poland Listen: Dori Luzzo Gilmour reports on the former mayor of Pasco who has been helping Ukrainian refugees in Poland / Runtime: 3 minutes […]Read More
The Pasco manufacturing and business sector is growing fast but the housing sector is lagging. According to the organization Local Housing Solutions, Pasco’s comprehensive plan for 2018 thru 2038 found the city will fall thirty-four percent short of projected growth with new home construction. Read More
Cities were reminding residents where pools, splash pads and cooling centers were available and urging people to stay hydrated, check on their neighbors and avoid strenuous activities. The National Weather Service in Coeur d’Alene said this week's weather “will likely be one of the most extreme and prolonged heat waves in the recorded history of the Inland Northwest.”Read More
Several Northwest cities set record high temperatures for Saturday. Spokane was not one of them. Its official high of 98 fell two degrees short. In eastern Washington, Pasco, Hanford and Yakima were among those setting records for June 26.Read More
By 1950, 20% of Pasco’s approximately 10,000 residents were Black, almost all living in slum conditions. Few lived in the new atomic community of Richland and none in “lily-white” Kennewick -- a fact of which Kennewick city leaders and police at the time were proud. Not only was housing segregated, but Black residents were forced to endure broad discrimination in Read More
Poet Jordan Chaney, from Pasco, Washington, joins this episode of "Traverse Talks" and gives advice on how to be a true ally and setting and respecting boundaries when talking about race.Read More
This moment of protest for racial justice is perhaps more poignant in Pasco, where five years ago the city reeled from its most high profile police shooting. The killing of Antonio Zambrano-Montes and the fallout after have marked this city, in murals and memorials, in police interactions and protests.Read More
At least one person was injured Sunday as a car drove into a crowd during a peaceful protest in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood. The Seattle Fire Department said the victim was a 27-year-old male who was shot and taken to a hospital in stable condition.Read More
For the last six weeks, if you followed a winding road past the Port of Pasco and the start of a recreational trail, you’d come to a closed gate. A large orange “Emergency Closure” sign tacked to its front. Today, the sign came down, and the gate opened.Read More
Health officials have tested more than 1,000 Tyson Fresh Meats plant workers for COVID-19 in Wallula, Washington, near Pasco. As of Friday afternoon, 111 have tested positive in the plant that slaughters and processes beef products.Read More
After nearly 20 years, a troubled landfill-turned Superfund site outside Pasco may soon have a final cleanup plan. Washington State Department of Ecology managers presented options Wednesday at a public meeting in the Tri-Cities.Read More
Dairy workers and members of the United Farm Workers union boarded a coach bus on their way to Seattle this week. It’s all for the start of a five-day fast to bring awareness to their Darigold Dozen campaign against the Ruby Ridge Dairy near Pasco. Read More
Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents made several arrests in Central Washington this week in Basin City and Pasco. In one case, a mother was detained even though agents were looking for her son.Read More