Inside the storefront of Johnson Candy Company, there are hundreds of heart-shaped boxes of chocolates.
Gift-wrapped boxes are stacked up on a table behind display cases. Open boxes show off sweet concoctions, propped up on shelves or set out below hanging red and pink decorations. Cellophane-wrapped goodies sit on top of glass windows displaying squares of chocolate Read More
Zoe Hana Mikuta recording Traverse Talks in the KTVI Tacoma studios on December 4, 2021. Zoe Hana Mikuta is the young author of the YA science-fiction novel, “Gearbreakers” and its […]Read More
Zoe Hana Mikuta is a young author of the YA science fiction novel “Gearbreakers” and its recent sequel “Godslayers”. She started writing this series while still in high school, featuring […]Read More
Tabitha Simmons and Kathy Sprague, partners in business and in marriage, have created and held space for queer folks in the town of Moscow, Idaho for years. They have inspired […]Read More
The book is guided by the structure of time. We go full circle from June through to May; summer through to spring. There is a poem for each month, just as there is a poem for each feeling. Pleasure, annoyance, boredom, spiritual awakening — we feel it all. And as the poems travel through time, the poet's vulnerability and loneliness are palpable enough to, perhaps Read More
On a summer day of 1988, with only a plastic bag full of homemade wheat bread and desire for a better life, my father and his friend crossed an old wire fence as if they were going on a picnic. Two minutes later, they were stepping on American soil.Read More