A view of the landfill from Carole Degrave’s property line. (Credit: Courtney Flatt / NWPB) Listen (Runtime 0:54) Read For years, some people who live near a Central Washington landfill […]Read More
Un juez federal del este de Washington concedió una orden judicial preliminar en una demanda que involucra a más de diez productores lácteos del condado de Yakima.Read More
A federal judge in Eastern Washington granted a preliminary injunction in a lawsuit that
involves over ten Yakima County dairy producers.Read More
The city of Kennewick has found “forever chemicals” in its drinking water. (Credit: Steve Johnson / Flickr Creative Commons) Listen (Runtime 0:53) Read The city of Kennewick has detected “forever […]Read More
U.S. Army Soldiers with the Washington National Guard fire an M777 towed 155 mm howitzer at a direct fire range during annual training at the Yakima Training Center. (Credit: Staff […]Read More