Washington lawmakers are considering passing bills that would allow public sector employees to bargain on how artificial intelligence is used in the workplace. (Credit: AP) Listen (Runtime 5:43) Read By […]Read More
There are only so many things employees get to have a say over in their jobs. Which laptops or messaging app your office uses might not be your call.
For a while, decisions on the use of technology in the workplace have been up to management for public workers in Washington state, thanks to a law passed in 2002. But now, some lawmakers want to pass an exemption that Read More
The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation holds a hearing to examine the need to protect Americans’ privacy in Washington, D.C., on July 11. (Credit: Renee Bouchard / […]Read More
Immigrant-rights advocates are pointing to new findings by the University of Washington Center for Human Rights, raising concerns of how surveillance technology is used in Washington state.
The report argues that sharing of license plate data violates the state’s Keep Washington Working Act.
The University of Washington Center for Human Rights analyzed data on the use Read More
A Portland-based organization has developed a digital tool called Wildbook that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to expedite wildlife identification.Read More
Sixty different entities in a salmon recovery project have been collaborating for nearly a decade, trying to solve the mystery of why so many of the juvenile fish die after they swim out to the ocean. Can artificial intelligence help?Read More