As egg prices surge, baby chicks have been selling out across the region — and the country. (Credit: Susan Shain / NWPB) Listen (Runtime 3:59) Read The first person showed […]Read More
Seth Hulett, Audubon Washington’s senior program manager of the Columbia Plateau, searches through his spotting scope for sage grouse. (Credit: Courtney Flatt / NWPB) Listen (Runtime 4:12) Read In south-central […]Read More
Around 50 people gathered for Yakima’s Stand Up for Science rally on Friday. People around the country attended science protests at the same time. (Credit: Courtney Flatt / NWPB) Listen […]Read More
Eleven farmworkers from Washington state and Mexico were honored recently for their ideas to improve the apple industry. They responded to the challenge "Our Ideas Matter: Manzana 2024," organized by Semillero de Ideas, a nonprofit that empowers farmworkers to drive agricultural innovation.Read More
Washington State University offers a Farm Stress Counseling Voucher program for farmers. Roni Ryan, pictured, is one of the farmers who has received counseling from the program. (Courtesy: Roni Ryan) […]Read More
Immigration policies and measures are causing concern among farmers and farmworkers in Washington.Read More
People listen to an introductory presentation on the water supply study findings at an open house-style meeting in Pasco. After they listened to the presentation, they could look at posters […]Read More
Patrick Smith of Loftus Ranches relies on temporary workers to tend his crops. Immigration policy has broad impact, he says. Patrick Smith grows apples and hops at Loftus Ranches in […]Read More
A worker unloads apples from his picking bag at McDougall & Sons orchard on Oct. 10 in Douglas County. (Credit: Jacob Ford / Wenatchee World) Listen (Runtime 1:03) Read In […]Read More
One of Feria Linda’s volunteer manicurists works on a vineyard worker’s nails. (Credit: Susan Shain / NWPB) Listen (Runtime 3:34) Read The Milton-Freewater Community Building looked like the backstage of […]Read More
Vineyard workers listen to a presentation from Vital Wines, a nonprofit winery that connects them to health care resources. (Credit: Susan Shain / NWPB) Listen (Runtime 4:05) Read On a […]Read More
Joe Tice, the Tukwila Pantry’s executive director, stocks tables with canned goods at the food bank in Tukwila, Washington. (Credit: Lance Cheung / USDA) Listen (Runtime 1:03) Read Before she […]Read More
Holland Gallaway, an agriculture student at Walla Walla Community College, with cattle owned and raised as part of the college’s Farm to Fork program. (Credit: Daniel Biggs / WWCC) watch […]Read More
The new WA 64 apple growing on trees at a WSU orchard in Quincy, Washington. The trees are bred to be shorter and denser to produce more fruit. (Credit: Washington […]Read More
The new Washington State University apple, currently known as WA 64, is smaller than the Cosmic Crisp. It has a lighter orange and pink blush exterior. (Credit: Washington State University) […]Read More
The Walla Walla Downtown Farmers Market is held on Saturdays. (Credit: Downtown Walla Walla Foundation) Read By Susan Shain | NWPB Walla Walla’s Downtown Farmers Market has been running for […]Read More
CAFÉ volunteers prepare boxes of supplies for agricultural workers, ensuring community support during extreme weather conditions. Pictured left to right, Yesenia Perez Ana Sanchez, Angelica Garcia-Macias, Joanna Sanchez, and Stephanie […]Read More
Moving cattle out of a forest recently outside of Burns, Oregon. (Credit: Sabrina Maki) Listen (Runtime 4:33) Read Exhaustion and frustration: Ranchers in southeast Oregon are battling wildfire. Like many […]Read More
Tumbleweeds are torched at the Hanford cleanup site in southeast Washington in the early part of this year. (Credit: U.S. Department of Energy) Listen (Runtime 4:35) Read Fire Chief Nickolus […]Read More
Columbia Basin potatoes move on a belt during harvest in 2021. (Credit: Anna King / NWPB) Listen (Runtime 1:02) Read For two years, Northwest farmers didn’t have enough potatoes for […]Read More
Brandon Hopkins, a bee researcher with Washington State University, points May 15 with his hive tool to the new bee larvae cells where baby bees develop in the hive near […]Read More
Fly, you die: Northwest bees that fly during mild winter weather less likely to survive until spring
Brandon Hopkins, 42, with Washington State University, stands in front of the university’s bee colonies at a facility in Othello, Washington, where he and a team were examining the hives. […]Read More
The Stemilt Growers facility in East Wenatchee. (Credit: Douglas County Assessor’s Office) Listen (Runtime 1:06) Read Two central Washington companies, Pace International and Stemilt Growers, face a combined $650,000 in […]Read More
The United States Department of Agriculture is soliciting applications for funding to build farmworker housing nationwide.
In the Pacific Northwest, leaders hope the money can address gaps in farmworker housing. The Pacific Northwest is in a housing crisis and that impacts rural small businesses and agricultural producers, as well as farmworkers, said Helen Price Johnson, Read More
Tanya Clarke and Daniel Connell own and operate Goldendale Reindeer Farm, which has nine reindeer. (Credit: Courtney Flatt, Northwest News Network) Listen (Runtime 1:27) Read The reindeer at Goldendale ReindeerFarm […]Read More
Sergio Madrigal and his wife, Rosa, stand outside the farm they owned, until recently, near Sunnyside, Washington. (Courtesy: Anna King / Northwest News Network) Listen (Runtime 2:56) Read It has […]Read More
In late autumn on the cusp of cool winter days, snow comes early to Washington when thousands of aloft avians, snow geese, land here in a flurry of white feathers.
“We call it a snow storm, they just will move as one,” said birder Julie Hagen. “It's just this chaotic whirlwind of birds, they move like a cloud and then they just lift up in the air.” Read More
Othello teens brainstorm ideas for what kinds of activities and jobs would be most interesting to them at The Lighthouse Community Center. (Credit: Marci Miller / Rural Development Initiatives) Listen […]Read More
Potatoes, fresh from the field, bump onto a belt before being transferred to a storage shed outside of Boardman, Oregon. (Credit: Anna King / NWPB) Listen (Runtime 1:10) Read About […]Read More
A mustard-yellow cloud forms above Finley, Washington. The chemical was nitric acid and was released by a fertilizer factory. (Courtesy: Jessica Bergman) Read An early-morning agricultural chemical release frightened many […]Read More
WSU students Reanna Liebl and Christina Flynn order ice cream at Ferdinand’s on the Pullman campus. (Credit: Lauren Paterson / NWPB) Listen (Runtime 1:30) Read Known for its student-made ice […]Read More
Ken Luke, a manager with McCain Foods, shows off some of the old standby potato varieties, along with some of the new, like the fresh “King Russet,” at a recent […]Read More
Cosmic Crisp apples on the Mother Tree near Wenatchee Washington. (Credit: Bob Hubner / Washington State University) Listen (Runtime 1:06) Read Known for its crunch and sweet taste, the Cosmic […]Read More
A mechanism that shuttles grain, called a leg, spires into the sky amid the bins at Northwest Grain Growers in Walla Walla. The leg carries grain dumped from trucks into […]Read More
Recently, a Yakima orchard family settled with the state for $500,000 in back wages owed to some 400 farm workers. [Photo courtesy of Washington State Fruit Commission] Read A family-owned […]Read More
A field of wheat stands straight up and lovely just uphill from the Snake River outside of Windust, Washington – but tall standing wheat can also mean that the heads […]Read More
A gray wolf. Credit: William Campbell Listen (Runtime 1:01) Read Northwest wolves could soon be on their way to Colorado. Wildlife managers there say they need to bring wolves to […]Read More
Bighorn sheep are highly susceptible to a pathogen they can catch from domestic sheep. (Credit: Kim Keating, USGS.) Listen (Runtime 1:00) Read Bighorn sheep and domestic sheep love to hang […]Read More
The Ice Harbor Dam on the Snake River. CREDIT: BPA Listen (Runtime 1:02) Read At a Congressional hearing in Richland, Wash., designed to defend the four Lower Snake River dams […]Read More
Graduate students Geraldine Diverres and Bernadette Gagnier examine grapevines leaves at the Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension of Washington State University, Wednesday, June 23, 2021 in Prosser, Washington. (Credit: Bob […]Read More
Serafin Rodriguez Cortes of Kennewick, picks cherries in a greenhouse at night outside the Tri-Cities.(Credit: Anna King / NW News Network) Listen (Runtime 3:45) Read The cherries you’ll find at […]Read More
Ostrom Mushroom Farm must pay 3.4 million dollars for discriminating against workers. The Washington state attorney general said Ostrom’s settlement with Washington state resolved the civil rights lawsuit against the company for unfair, deceptive and discriminatory actions against female farmworkers and Washington-based workers. Read More
Sunrise over Red Mountain vineyards in central Washington. (Credit: Andrea Johnson Photography/Washington State Wine Commission) Listen (Runtime 1:03) Read It’s been a slower start to spring in the Pacific Northwest, […]Read More
Celestino Mendoza, 68, of Kennewick, says it’s been a lot of work to harvest a giant push of asparagus with the record-warm spring weather across much of the Northwest. [Photo: […]Read More
Blake Foraker grills gene-edited German-style sausages at Washington State University. Credit: Connor Henricksen Listen (Runtime 3:58) Read At a barbecue on campus last week, flames licked a set of sausage […]Read More
This photo from a Oregon Department of Agriculture report shows water runoff on a field. Runoff events, along with fertilizer leaks, have incurred violations for Easterday Dairy. (Courtesy: Oregon Department […]Read More
Ranchers struggle to keep enough fresh hay and bedding down for new calves and their mothers during the recent blizzards across southeast Oregon and much of the West. (Credit: Angie […]Read More
A cross country skier follows a trail on the Sunny M Ranch property in the Methow Valley. The Methow Conservancy hopes to purchase the land this summer. Credit: Courtney Flatt […]Read More
Adult Japanese beetles can take plants like roses, grapes or hops down to the nubs quickly if infested. The beetle comes from Asia, and doesn’t have many predators in Oregon […]Read More
Proposal bill 5476, designed to authorize an agricultural flexibility overtime period in Washington, has not advance in Legislature. Read More