Northwest News
Northwest News

Yakima Valley Libraries preserves its history in a time capsule
Yakima Valley Libraries is celebrating 80 years as a library district. According to its website, the county library district was created around 1945.

New apple created in Washington will be named next week
The new Washington State University apple, currently known as WA 64, is smaller than the Cosmic Crisp. It has a lighter orange and pink blush exterior. (Credit: Washington State University)

University of Idaho researcher investigating correlation vs. causation in breast milk benefits
August is National Breastfeeding Month, and many moms will have heard the term “breast is best” when it comes to nursing babies. But the truth could be more complicated.

There’s no shortage of cats at the Whitman County Humane Society
A 9-day-old kitten at the Whitman County Humane Society. (Credit: Phineas Pope / NWPB) Listen (Runtime 3:52) Read The Whitman County Humane Society in Pullman, Washington, takes care of all

American shad clog fish ladders, causing trouble for salmon
In recent years, non-native American shad migrating past Bonneville Dam greatly outnumbered the total salmon and steelhead. (Credit: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center / Flickr Creative Commons) Listen (Runtime 1:10) Read

Washington estudiaría protección contra el calor para trabajadores de espacios interiores
Normas federales para proteger de los riesgos del calor a los trabajadores en espacios interiores y exteriores se están estudiando al nivel nacional. Washington y Oregón ya cuentan con normas de este tipo para quienes laboran en entornos al aire libre.

Walla Walla’s shelter dogs get a sniff of the outside world
Betzy and Betsy, two shelter dogs, sniff the grass along Mill Creek in Walla Walla. (Credit: Steve Lenz / Blue Mountain Humane Society) Watch Listen (Runtime 1:04) Read At many

Washington could consider heat safety rules for indoor workers
Federal rules for protecting outdoor and indoor workers from heat hazards are under consideration. Washington and Oregon already have such rules in place for outdoor workers.

Northwest tribes receive millions in funding for new housing
An aerial photo shows the competed infrastructure of the Northeast neighborhood in Taholah with 59 lots for future homes. Federal grants are often a portion of larger tribal housing projects.

Pullman celebrates 35th annual National Lentil Festival
Pullman celebrates its 35th annual national lentil festival, drawing thousands of attendees.

Art and science on display from the man behind the curtain
In a big, open room in the basement of Bellingham’s old city hall, little cupboards line the walls holding spray paint, different kinds of tape, cans of WD-40, and at least four different handheld drills.
Wearing round-framed glasses and an explorer’s hat, museum preparator David Miller stands over the work table, messy with progress. He is sculpting fake dinosaur bones. They will be hidden in a box and covered with sand for children to posture as paleontologists, uncovering the creatures of prehistoric past.

Gallery: National Lentil Festival 2024
The Lentil Express making its way through the Grand Parade. (Credit: Phineas Pope / NWPB) Plenty of high fives to go around! (Credit: Phineas Pope / NWPB) The vat that
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