American Federation of Teachers members picket for more investment in community and technical colleges at the Capitol sundial. (Credit: Cortney Marabetta / AFT) Listen (Runtime 00:56) Read Students, faculty and […]Read More
House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., leads the panel during an organizational meeting for the 118th Congress, at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023. […]Read More
An inmate huddles under a heavy blanket on a bunk in the psychiatric unit of the Pierce County Jail in Tacoma, Wash. Credit: Elaine Thompson, AP file photo Listen (Runtime […]Read More
Qemtsna paddles across the Lake of Silence on her way to the End of the World. (Photo courtesy Rajah Bose) Listen Projects featuring indigenous culture are taking off from big […]Read More
The Washington state legislature is shaping up to be … pretty much how it looked before the election – with Democrats in control of both houses. But not with super-majorities. Olympia correspondent Austin Jenkins breaks down the 2020 election in Washington state, on this episode of NWPB's Uniquely NW News.Read More
Election results are rolling in Tuesday night, but it's expected to take time to count all the ballots across the Northwest and many other states. Below are key races to watch, and links to resources and results from across Washington, Oregon and Idaho.Read More
In the weeks leading up to the election, residents in five smaller areas around eastern Washington and Oregon spoke about how they were feeling. Now, as people are awaiting results, we checked in with a few.Read More
The campaigning is done. Now what's left is the counting. Here is how candidates in Washington’s 4th and 5th Congressional districts have talked about key environmental and natural resource issues during the campaign.Read More
The Spokesman-Review newspaper recently caused a splash when it endorsed Donald Trump for president after calling him a bully and a bigot. The paper also endorsed Democrat Jay Inslee for a third term as Washington governor. After backlash, the Spokesman-Review’s editor-in-chief said the paper would no longer endorse candidates or run unsigned editorials. Read More
In total, Anna King saw five sunrises and drove more than 1,000 miles on her way to five towns spanning both sides of the Columbia in eastern Washington and Oregon. She listened hard to the worries and hopes of as many as 100 hundred residents in the region.Read More
Washington’s latitude about late-arriving ballots stands in stark contrast to Oregon, and more than half of states, where ballots must arrive by Election Day. In fact, by allowing ballots to still be counted nearly three weeks after the election, Washington has the most generous policy in the nation, according to a recent analysis.Read More
State and local election officials in Washington said Thursday that election systems here are secure and haven’t been hacked. Those assurances follow multiple reports in recent days of efforts by foreign actors to interfere with the upcoming national election.Read More
Since 2011, Washington has been an all vote-by-mail state. This year, ballots will be mailed out no later than October 16. They must be returned to an official ballot drop box by 8 p.m. on Election Day or postmarked by that day. Election officials recommend voters use one of the nearly 500 official ballot drop boxes or voter centers statewide. Read More
On Chloe Place’s first day of school this year, homework came second to thinking about where her family would spend the night.Read More
When he applied to be a police officer 10 years ago, Loren Culp was 49. He had no experience in law enforcement, but said the job would fulfill a childhood dream. Six years later, the former construction business owner was promoted to police chief in Republic, a town of 1,100 people in northeastern Washington. In that role, Culp has managed a department that, at its peak, Read More
As the final few ballots are counted following this month’s primary, it has become clear that this election was of major interest to voters in Washington. State primaries typically sees about 35% of registered voters cast their ballots. In 2020, that number has not topped 54%, the biggest number since the 1964 presidential primary. With more than 2.5M ballots counted, “How Read More
NWPB is proud to present this year's Vote 2020 Debate Series. We'll hear from candidates vying for a spot for state offices along with those running for positions in our cities. Join us to learn more about the candidates.Read More
Back in May, Culp was one of three dozen candidates running for Washington governor. A first-time candidate, he lacked the statewide name recognition of Tim Eyman, the anti-tax initiative promoter who was also running. But the police chief of Republic, population 1,100, in the northeast corner of the state seemed to have something the other candidates didn’t: a fired-up Read More
The move by the USPS prompted a scramble by county auditors who run elections in their counties and the Washington Secretary of State’s office, which oversees elections statewide, to put out public messages to clarify the process. Read More
Whether you’re new to Washington state or just making sure you are fully prepared to vote in the Nov. 3 general election, here’s what you need to know about voting (plus lots of links for voters who live outside the state or have recently moved).Read More
Washington state has laws in place to prevent that. And the state, which has been all-vote-by-mail since 2011, has a decade of experience with ballot boxes that counters the president’s claims. Read More
Louis DeJoy, an ally of President Trump, has come under fire in recent weeks for what's viewed as directives to slow down USPS in order to suppress absentee or mail-in votes. Read More
Washington’s all vote-by-mail Aug. 4 primary is in the books, with final results certified soon. And it revealed some noteworthy trends. Republican Loren Culp will be Gov. Jay Inslee’s opponent on the November ballot as Inslee seeks a rare third term. Read More
While turnout in November could easily top 80 percent, Washington’s August primary typically draws 40 percent or less of the electorate. We break down the dynamics of this year's unusual election season during the coronavirus pandemic.Read More
On or by August 4, Washington voters will cast their votes in the 2020 primary - one of three states to hold a “top-two” primary. What is that? In 2004, Initiative 872 approved a change to Washington’s primary voting system, selecting the two candidates for each position who have the most votes to go against each other in the November general election, regardless of party Read More
Chris Armitage issued a statement Friday in which he said his mental health had declined during the last few months. “That trend continued until I reached a point where I knew that I could no longer be here for myself let alone our community.” He also said he recently learned about an allegation about a relationship he thought was consensual, but which the woman involved Read More
Mail ballots take longer to process than votes cast in person. So, despite what some politicians may say, experts say it's not a sign of nefarious activity when results take days to come in.Read More
The COVID-19 pandemic has killed several would-be initiative campaigns in Oregon because organizers can’t send canvassers out to gather the tens of thousands of signatures needed to qualify for the November ballot.Read More
The matchups have been set for Idaho’s November election. Results were announced Tuesday night in the state’s first all-mail primary election.Read More
It’s long been known in eastern Washington that Matt Shea is not your typical politician. Now, he won’t be on the ballot for the upcoming August primary. The 4 p.m. candidate filing deadline on Friday came and went with no sign of Shea. Read More
In recent weeks, legislative Republicans have been fiercely critical of Inslee for not moving more aggressively to reopen the economy. They’ve criticized him on social media, joined protests at the Capitol and even filed a lawsuit challenging his emergency powers.Read More
As some states turn to Internet voting to increase accessibility for vulnerable populations, the federal government sends out an eight-page report detailing the risks.Read More
After a night of big wins for former Vice President Joe Biden in Michigan and Mississippi, the Democratic presidential primaries in Washington and Idaho did little to clarify the race between the race’s two remaining front-runners.Read More
Washington state’s all-vote-by-mail presidential primary looks a lot like a regular election. But, really, it’s not. And this one is different than 2016. It’s earlier this time. Unlike 2016, there’s no Democratic caucus. It requires voters to choose a party preference. And a lot of people don’t like that. It raises the question: Who should get to pick a political party’s Read More
TRANSCRIPT FOR EPISODE 2: Washington state’s all-vote-by-mail presidential primary looks a lot like a regular election. But, really, it’s not. And this one is different than 2016.Read More
A judge has found that anti-tax activist and Republican candidate for governor Tim Eyman concealed more than $700,000 in campaign contributions related to his initiative work over a six-year period. The finding comes as Eyman mounts a first-ever run for public office and faces trial this summer over an alleged campaign finance kick-back scheme.Read More
In 2020, Washington Democrats won't use neighborhood caucus meetings to help choose a presidential nominee. And they're glad they made the change.Read More
The funding of public education in Washington state is not perfect nor is it a science. In fact, it’s hard to wrap your head around exactly how funds are calculated. Adding to the complexity, bonds and levies. Listen or subscribe to this podcast.Read More
The funding of public education in Washington state is not perfect nor is it a science. In fact, it’s hard to wrap your head around exactly how funds are calculated. Adding to the complexity, bonds and levies. Listen or subscribe to this podcast.Read More