Listen (Runtime 3:14) Read Though no cases of MPV, also known as monkeypox, have been confirmed in Whitman county or north central Idaho, health officials say cases in Washington have […]Read More
Northwest News
Lindsey Keesling and Angie Girard, from Yakima, got the vote they needed to get on the November ballot. Photos: From the candidates Facebook official pages. Listen (Runtime 2:32) Read Write-in […]Read More
A federal study ordered by Congress concluded it would be feasible to reintroduce sea otters to the Oregon and northern California coasts. However, that finding doesn't mean the super-cute predators will be relocated into their former ocean habitat anytime soon.Read More
After months of pushback from Parkland community members over the sale of the historic Parkland School building, the stakeholders have reached a decision to please all.
In a letter to two Pierce County council members, Pacific Lutheran University President Alan Belton outlined the tentative agreement. Read More
There’s a deadline fast approaching for the cannabis industry in Washington. By September 1st, cannabis producers must sell all their goods produced before April of this year — or throw it out.
Micah Sherman, co-owner of Raven Grass in Olympia, has settled on this fate.
“We're probably going to end up with quite a bit of product that we're going to have to throw away,” Read More
Chitter Bug, a mixed breed dog between the ages of 6 and 8, jumps up with her tongue out as Sierah Beeler offers a treat Tuesday at the Humane Society […]Read More
Listen (Runtime 1:12) Read The 2nd Annual Celebration of Community, Diversity & Culture” will be held this weekend August 6th from 12 to 8 p.m. in Kennewick. The last few […]Read More
Democratic incumbent Steve Hobbs and independent challenger Julie Anderson were leading Washington’s top two primary for Secretary of State after the initial ballot count Tuesday night. Republican Bob Hagglund, who has never held public office, was in a close third place.Read More
Madalyn Asker and Amanda Eller stand in the frame of the first of six houses being designed and built by University of Idaho students. Listen Communities across the country are […]Read More
Washington legislative Republicans were taking stock Wednesday of their less than dazzling performance in the initial returns of the August primary.Read More
BY LAURA SULLIVAN and COURTNEY FLATT When a group of engineers and researchers gathered in a warehouse in Mukilteo, Wash., 10 years ago, they knew they were onto something big. […]Read More
4-H participant Katie Johnston will be taking photos of her chickens instead of taking them to the fair this year. This chicken, a silver laced Bantam Wyandotte, is named Tallie. […]Read More
Read Funds to create a cold case unit, data analysis considering gender and violence, and the expansion of the task force through 2025 are part of the WA Missing and […]Read More
A newsroom in Yakima was preparing for election night coverage and running tests of their system when it went live. Now two 4th Congressional Candidates in Eastern Washington have filed complaints.Read More
Up on a hilltop in Yakima County, Carole Degrave used to spend hours outside, watching wildlife, eating an apple, and enjoying the calm. In her backyard, wind chimes blow softly in the breeze. A 30-year-old apricot tree shades the center of her yard.Read More
The classic black-and-white photos from early decades of the American West often fail to capture the diversity of the people who came here. Chinese migrants helped build the railroads and were big in gold mining. Basque people from Spain became known for sheep herding. The first Filipino cannery workers arrived around the turn of the last century. Now, Oregon Read More
Washington State Official Ballot. Listen (Runtime 1:20) Read Latino participation in this primary election is a challenge for organizations in the Yakima Valley. With just a few hours to go, […]Read More
Benton-Franklin Behavioral Health Advisory Committee Listen (Runtime 1:54) Read A plan to address the behavioral health needs of Eastern Washington is finally in the works. The first bi-county behavioral health […]Read More
The primary election ballots are in hands of Washington voters. They need to be returned or mailed by Tuesday. [From left to right: Maggie Yates, Lindsey Keesling, and Chris Faison] […]Read More
Alfonso Lopez is the bridge between the Hispanic/Latino community and the Wenatchee School District. Photo from Listen (Runtime 4:28) Read The Wenatchee School District wants stronger relations with the […]Read More
University of Idaho students Sebastian Rueda, from left, Rene Maura and Chris Bitikofer test functionality of a device called “Blue Sabino,” which stands for Bilateral Upper-limb Exoskeleton for Simultaneous Assessment […]Read More
A recent report by Harvard revealed that yes, investors are buying up homes to make money. Listen (Runtime :59) Read Research from Harvard recently confirmed that investors are buying up […]Read More
Both the timber industry and environmental groups are celebrating the Washington Supreme Court’s decision on public land management last week. The decision affirms the Department of Natural Resources’ authority to manage the trust lands for public benefit.Read More
Tri-Cities artist Greg Pierce travels the Pacific Northwest collecting rocks for his sculptures. Fused with clay and glass, each piece reinterprets the region’s landscape. He’s part of Gallery 110, which represents artists from across Washington state. Reporter Lauren Gallup spoke with Pierce at the Seattle Art Fair.Read More
Checking every inch of a streambed for freshwater mussels requires a snorkel and a wetsuit. It’s a messy job, but it’s vitally important as these keystone species are declining throughout the West.Read More
Beware Of Polar Bears! Washington Adventurer Aims To Be 1st Through Northwest Passage On Paddleboard
An adventurer from Western Washington cast off this week trying to become the first person to traverse the Northwest Passage on a standup paddleboard. The passage is the fabled, but normally frozen, sea route between the Atlantic and the Pacific across the far north of Canada.Read More
Geheim Gallery introduced Seattleites to artists from Bellingham this weekend. Lauren Gallup caught up with the owner and an artist at the Seattle Art Fair. Read More
The Benton County Auditor is testing a new paid ballot observer program this year using members of partisan and nonpartisan organizations. Read More
An expansion map shows some of the proposed additions at Pullman Regional Hospital. Courtesy of Pullman Regional Hospital/Design West Architects Listen (Runtime 1:43) Read Staff at Pullman Regional Hospital said […]Read More
Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are tagging and releasing lamprey to learn more about their journey to sea from inland rivers.Read More
The first World Outdoor Track and Field Championships held on American soil sprinted to a joyful conclusion Sunday night in Eugene with back-to-back U.S. victories in the 4x400 relays. The full stadium was also treated to a new world record in the women’s 100-meter hurdles by Nigeria's Tobi Asuman and a new world record in men's pole vault by Sweden's Mondo Duplantis. The Read More
Rochelle Hill and Miss Galaxy E-350 Hydro Listen (Runtime 1:16) Read This week marks the 56th Columbia Cup Race in the Tri-Cities. The Hydroplane races are one of the largest […]Read More
Tacoma’s Hilltop neighborhood is a place where generations have raised families, where small businesses have blossomed and where art intersects with your local corner mart. But it's also a neighborhood where residents have faced systemic racism in the form of redlining, where the FBI monitored the sidewalks in the late 90s, and where gentrification is displacing longtime Read More
Listen (Runtime 1:21) Read The fire danger forecast for all of Benton County was raised to the level of VERY HIGH this week. This means restrictions for residents and farmers. […]Read More
Councilmember Irving Brown, Sr., was appointed by the City Council in July 2022. Photo from Read The selection of Irving Brown, Sr. as the City District 3 representative is […]Read More
Everett Maroon Listen (Runtime 3:33) Read Like much of the nation, Benton and Franklin Counties are experiencing a dramatic increase in the number of people dying from overdoses and drug […]Read More
Madeline Franz, reserve firefighter and EMT for the Pullman Fire Department, holds up cold packs used to treat heat illness. Photo by Rachel Sun Listen (Runtime 1:31) Read People working […]Read More
Photo courtesy of Pixabay Listen (Runtime 0:47) Read In the past month, the Northwest has seen a rise in COVID-19 cases — but just how many is unclear. The Washington […]Read More
A field growing marijuana, image from Pixabay. Listen (Runtime 1:35) Read More people are using cannabis than ever for recreation and medicinal purposes. Among those users, adults older than 50 […]Read More
A case brought against the Washington State Department of Natural Resources has been decided in the department’s favor.Read More
State superintendent Chris Reykdal announced his plan yesterday to change how school construction across the state is funded.Read More
Mal-information post Listen (Runtime 2:35) Read State Representative Brad Klippert has been using his Congressional Campaign social media account to encourage people to monitor drop-boxes and report suspicious activities. Representative […]Read More
Jordan Chaney Listen (Runtime 1:59) Read Eastern Washington’s ‘unofficial’ Poet Laureate, Jordan Chaney, is leaving the state to explore new endeavors. A farewell show with the new directors of the […]Read More
Listen Orofino resident Linda Crawford said more deer and elk have returned to her property this summer since the wandering cows were removed in the spring. They often passed through […]Read More
Ben Franklin Transit Listen (Runtime 1:33) Read After 15 months of discussion the Ben Franklin Transit Board has voted to kill the talks of cutting the tax collection. The decision […]Read More
Rising home prices and inflation are making it difficult for people to find – or keep – a home. Listen Lauren Paterson reports one Washington state legislator believes housing will […]Read More
For nearly six decades, Republicans held Washington's top election post — Secretary of State. That streak ended last November when Kim Wyman resigned to take an election security post with the Biden administration, and Gov. Jay Inslee appointed Democratic state Sen. Steve Hobbs to the post.Read More
Nearly 2,000 of the world's best runners, jumpers and throwers from 192 countries have arrived in Oregon for the 2022 World Outdoor Track and Field Championships, which start Friday and go through July 24. The big event, Oregon 22, is happening on U.S. soil for the first time and in a smaller host city than ever before, Eugene. More than 30 athletes who are from the Read More
To recover healthy salmon populations, one or more of the Snake River dams must be breached, in addition to other actions, according to a new draft report released Tuesday by federal officials.Read More
An elite field featuring most of the world's best marathoners has arrived in Oregon for this year’s World Track and Field Championships. Competitors from 34 countries will race through the streets of Eugene and neighboring Springfield this coming Sunday morning for the men and Monday for the women. Some of the marathoners are trying to outrun both their rivals and Father Time.Read More