Northwest News

Durante décadas se han enviado a la India cargamentos de manzanas del noroeste, especialmente de la variedad Red Delicious. Pero desde que entraron en vigor los aranceles de la era Trump sobre el acero y el aluminio, aranceles en represalia han puesto un escollo en ese valioso mercado de frutas. Ahora, toda la delegación del Congreso del estado de Washington está pidiendo Read More
En los meses que siguieron a la anulación del caso Roe contra Wade, muchas personas—entre ellas pacientes, proveedores de atención sanitaria y organizadores del derecho al aborto—se enfrentaron a cambios extremos en sus vidas y sus medios de subsistencia. Estos son algunos de los cambios que se produjeron en nuestra región desde entonces.Read More
The Whatcom County Council made no specific recommendations on which county timberlands to conserve for the next phase of the Washington State Department of Natural Resources’ carbon offset project. In the letter, the council affirmed its commitment to work with the department, and instead of offering recommendations, asked the DNR to provide more information about the Read More
Maria Leónides Pérez’s son, Santiago Ortuno Pérez, has been detained in the Northwest ICE Processing Center, also known as the Northwest Detention Center, in Tacoma for a little more than three years. During his time in detention, Ortuno Pérez has spent at least 10 months in segregation from the general population. He said he’s there now, and has been for 51 days, Read More
Immigrant-rights advocates are pointing to new findings by the University of Washington Center for Human Rights, raising concerns of how surveillance technology is used in Washington state. The report argues that sharing of license plate data violates the state’s Keep Washington Working Act. The University of Washington Center for Human Rights analyzed data on the use Read More
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