Grizzly bear in Yellowstone National Park. Credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Listen (Runtime 1:03) Read Grizzly bears in Washington’s North Cascades could gain habitat as the climate warms, according […]Read More
Northwest News
The history of International Mother Language Day and events in the Northwest that are celebrating it. Read More
Trabajadores agrícolas, defensores y agricultores testificaron en la Legislatura de Washington sobre la propuesta de ley 5476 que busca modificar los topes de la ley de horas extra agrícolas. Read More
Farmers, workers and advocates testified on the proposed bill 5476 in Olympia. Credit: Scheen capture from Listen (Runtime 1:12) Read Thousands of farmworkers, advocates and farmers testified at the […]Read More
La Ciudad de Yakima autorizó un contrato de 2 millones de dólares con YWCA para construir un nuevo refugio de emergencia para víctimas de violencia doméstica en Yakima.Read More
For people struggling with chronic illness or multiple diagnoses, managing their care can feel overwhelming. Health reporter Rachel Sun spoke with one palliative care provider about her role in helping patients with too much to manage.Read More
You probably no longer bat an eye when an electric car passes by on the road. More novel battery-powered vehicles are soon joining the parade to help operators achieve their sustainability goals. Electric ferries are coming to Puget Sound and hybrid electric airplanes are being tested in Washington. Now, several Pacific Northwest fire departments have ordered their first Read More
Legislators in Washington state are joining more than a dozen other states that are considering whether to restrict or ban foreign entities from buying farmland. The initial hearing on Olympia's version of the foreign ownership restrictions however drew more criticism than support on Tuesday.Read More
Terry and Kwasi Buffington at NWPB. Listen (Runtime 2:03) Read Living on the rolling hills of the Palouse is a woman who has deep roots in the civil rights movement. […]Read More
Local customers say they didn’t receive notice of the change before enrollingRead More
The Yakima City Council authorized a two-million-dollar contract with the YMCA to build a new emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence in Yakima. Read More
Forested area in Washington. CREDIT: Connor Henricksen Listen (Runtime 1:07) Read In the eyes of the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, one big thing is missing from the state’s […]Read More
When medical students or health care providers enter a simulation at the Center for Native American Health at Washington State University’s Spokane campus, they’re running through a situation that already happened to a Native American patient who faced real-world health consequences.Read More
Washington lawmakers are weighing bills to place new restrictions on the sale and transfer of guns as new gun laws in Oregon make their way through the courts.Read More
Brian Hanson, an engineer who works remotely in Idaho, adjusts the Starlink satellite on his house for better internet reception. (Credit: Lauren Paterson / NWPB) Listen (Runtime 3:53) Read Reporting […]Read More
Racial and social justice advocates asked Washington legislators Wednesday to repeal laws against jaywalking. However, a bill to do that generated lots of skeptical questions during a state House committee hearing and its prospects are unclear.Read More
Bird flu’s toll on flocks across the country has meant eggs are expensive and in short supply.Read More
The Washington Legislature has a lot of prickly problems on its plate. But there's a new one that may be the prickliest of all: Should lawmakers designate an official state cactus?Read More
Construction is underway for a new Acute Rehabilitation Unit at Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center in Lewiston, Idaho.Read More
Más de 100 personas participaron en una huelga de hambre la semana pasada en el Northwest ICE Processing Center o Centro de Procesamiento de ICE del Noroeste en Tacoma, conocido coloquialmente como Centro de Detención del Noroeste.Read More
Over 100 people participated in a hunger strike last week at the Northwest ICE Processing Center in Tacoma, known colloquially as the Northwest Detention Center.
The strike ended on Feb. 5 after four days according to detention abolitionist group La Resistencia. Read More
Por primera vez NPR transmitirán la cobertura especial del discurso del presidente Biden sobre el Estado de la Unión en español. Read More
Sólo un año después de que la ley de Washington concediera a los trabajadores agrícolas el derecho a ganar horas extraordinarias, los legisladores estatales vuelven a debatir el tema. Read More
Washington State University sign on the Pullman campus. (Courtesy: WSU) Listen (Runtime :47) Read Luke Tyler, a Washington State University student, was found dead at a residence hall on the […]Read More
Native and Strong crisis counselor Robert Coberly is blanketed by Mia Klick, Native and Strong Lifeline coordinator on the left, and Vicki Lowe, executive director of the American Indian Health […]Read More
Only a year after a Washington law gave farmworkers the right to earn overtime, state lawmakers are discussing the issue again. If Washington lawmakers pass Senate Bill 5476 and House Bill 1523, agricultural employers could choose 12 weeks each year when farmworkers could work up to 50 hours without getting paid overtime wages.Read More
The new honey bee vaccine from Dalan Animal Health is currently undergoing field trials to gather more data. (Credit: Dalan Animal Health) Listen (Runtime 1:07) Read Honey bees and other […]Read More
Photo via Pixabay Read Some patients at Quality Behavioral Health could have had private information stolen during a data breach that occurred between Nov. 24 and 26 of last year, […]Read More
It might not be balmy or strewn with palm trees, but there is one thing the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley has in common with Florida: Seniors account for roughly 20% of its residents.Read More
Lawmakers are considering restarting the process to find a location to build a new airport after months of community backlash to current recommendations. One member of the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission, which was formed in 2019 to address aviation capacity shortages, agrees more review is needed.
Bryce Yadon represents Futurewise, an environmental land use Read More
Thousands of former and current Boeing workers joined customers and other guests to bid farewell to the company's final 747 jumbo jet.Read More
Legislators in Olympia are considering a host of bills to address the housing crisis, and Tuesday, members from both parties announced they're finding common ground.Read More
La edad no es un obstáculo para los inmigrantes hispanos que desean completar su educación básica. Ahora, el Gobierno de México se asoció con organizaciones locales para ofrecer un programa de educación para adultos en Yakima. El programa busca dar a las familias las herramientas para mejorar sus vidas.Read More
Age is not an obstacle for Hispanic immigrants wanting to complete their basic education. Now, the Mexican government is partnering to offer an adult education program in Yakima. The program seeks to give families the tools to improve their life. Read More
The battle against a new two-runway airport in Pierce or Thurston county ramped up on Wednesday, when a hundred or so rallied on the north steps of the Capitol Building in Olympia.
Lawmakers were there to listen, and express their own objection to the proposed sites, or at least a need to restart the process for choosing a site for a new airfield. Behind closed doors, Read More
If you have spent any time behind the wheel since the pandemic began, you've surely noticed people driving more aggressively and way too fast. That correlates with a rise in traffic fatalities that last year reached levels not seen since the 1990s in Washington state and Oregon.Read More
Numerous Democrats in the Washington Legislature are backing a new proposal to make voting in elections compulsory. Citizens are required by law to cast ballots in about 25 counties, but in no other U.S. states.Read More
The view driving over Memorial Bridge in Lewiston, Idaho. The city is also recommending residents use bottled or cool, boiled water for their pets as a precaution — though Public […]Read More
Hannah Stewart sits on the front steps of the RV she lives in year-round in McCall due to a lack of affordable housing options. (Credit: Ashlee Fliney) Listen (Runtime 3:15) […]Read More
Yakima Chief of Police, Matthew Murray, addresses the public at a press conference, Tuesday. (Screenshot from Yakima Police Dept. Facebook) Listen Three people were fatally shot at a gas station […]Read More
Late afternoon light catches smoke from the Cold Springs Fire near a structure that appeared to be empty long before the fire, Monday, Sept. 7, 2020, near Omak, Washington. CREDIT: […]Read More
After the overturn of Roe v. Wade last summer, more people are traveling for abortion care. (Photo via Pixabay.) Listen (Runtime 0:52) Read The costs of support for abortion care […]Read More
Lawmakers are allocating over $6 billion this fiscal year to support the Department of the Interior and the United States Forest Service in wildfire response.
It’s an increase of 14% from the last year’s funding, and will support wildfire suppression, operations and a new research hub to aid fire management. This fiscal year, the forest service will see an increase of Read More
Las elecciones del pasado noviembre parecieron mostrar un aumento significativo en la participación de los votantes hispanos del condado de Yakima. Pero los datos de anteriores elecciones para distritos legislativos muestran que, esta vez, la participación de los votantes con apellidos españoles fue en realidad baja.Read More
Cherry Coke can still be had at the Wayback Cafe on the east side of Lewiston, but the soda and ice have to be trucked in after a city-owned water […]Read More
Last November's elections showed a significant increase in Yakima County Hispanic voters' turnout. But in past legislative districts' elections, data show that participation for voters with Spanish surnames was, in fact, low.Read More
It was a clear day in Tacoma on January 17, 1993. Commencement Bay was crowded with boats. Families gathered on boat decks and across North Tacoma sidewalks to watch the demolition of what was once the tallest smokestack in the world, the ASARCO smokestack that loomed over Tacoma’s waterfront for nearly 100 years.
With the press of a button, a child, supervised by Read More
State officials use thermometers to monitor compost piles to make sure they are getting up to temp to kill highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses. (Credit: Karla Salp / Washington State […]Read More
Non-alcoholic beer, wine, and ‘zero-proof’ spirit sales are going up as people look for alternatives to traditional forms of alcohol. (Credit: Lauren Paterson) Listen As the Dry January trend continues […]Read More
If you’ve ever promised your child a reward for cleaning their room, or trained a pet using food, you’re probably familiar with the power of positive reinforcement. A group of Washington State University researchers say that same technique helps effectively treat substance use disorder. Health reporter Rachel Sun has more.Read More