At Sweet Peas Tea Room in Battle Ground, Washington, the Union Jack will fly proudly for the coronation, May 6 of King Charles III. Owner Sharon Harbeck is hosting a full English tea at the British tea room she and her daughter, Chantelle, have run for six years. Read More
Northwest News
Language exchange students work on activities during a class in Yakima. Credit: Johanna Bejarano / NWPB. Listen (Runtime 1:55) Read In Yakima, a community-based organization helps Spanish and English speakers […]Read More
Blake Foraker grills gene-edited German-style sausages at Washington State University. Credit: Connor Henricksen Listen (Runtime 3:58) Read At a barbecue on campus last week, flames licked a set of sausage […]Read More
Red Swamp Crayfish have been discovered in the Lewiston Levee ponds, thanks to science students at Lewiston High School. (Credit: istockphoto) Listen (Runtime 00:59) Read Lewiston High School teacher Jamie […]Read More
This photo from a Oregon Department of Agriculture report shows water runoff on a field. Runoff events, along with fertilizer leaks, have incurred violations for Easterday Dairy. (Courtesy: Oregon Department […]Read More
A view from the edge of the cliff where the Goldendale Energy Storage Project could be built. An underground tunnel would carry water from a upper reservoir to a reservoir […]Read More
By signing into law House Bill 1512, Washington state will create an online toolkit meant to assist families and law enforcement seeking to locate and recover missing persons.
The act, known as the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Persons and Lucian Act, is in part named after Lucian Munguia, who was 4 years old when he went missing in Yakima last September. His Read More
Washington's legislature adjourned its 2023 regular session with a new two-year state budget, alongside dozens of policy changes focused on housing, health care and public safety – and a surprising last-minute bill failure.Read More
Surrounded by gun reform advocates, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed three new gun control bills Tuesday morning, including a ban on the import and sale of high capacity and semiautomatic firearms.Read More
In an unexpected development, the Washington state Legislature adjourned for the year late Sunday night having failed to put a new drug possession law on the books.Read More
The City of Tacoma approved land use permits to develop a warehouse in South Tacoma.
The decision came April 21 after over a year of feedback from residents and public agencies expressing environmental equity concerns over the development. Read More
A barn own with her eggs at the Blue Mountain Wildlife center in Benton City, Washington. Many barn owls are rehabbed at the center after building nests in haystacks throughout […]Read More
Clarkston police say they’re running more active shooter drills as the number of mass shootings climb. On Friday, they ran one of those drills at Tri-State Memorial Hospital.Read More
How a young man’s decision helped a father live to see his own son grow upRead More
Ranchers struggle to keep enough fresh hay and bedding down for new calves and their mothers during the recent blizzards across southeast Oregon and much of the West. (Credit: Angie […]Read More
On April 20, Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee signed into law House Bill 1177 that establishes a cold case unit specifically for missing and murdered Indigenous women and people in the state.
“This legislation will ensure that Indigenous victims of crime receive robust, thorough investigations, and potential prosecution,” Inslee said. Read More
Tri-State Memorial Hospital in Clarkston will hold an active shooter drill on its main campus from noon to 4 p.m. on Friday.Read More
Idaho’s leading causes of death as reported in the 2021 Vital Statistics Summary Listen (Runtime 00:48) Read A report announced this week by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare […]Read More
A record number of people attended the Richland City Council regular meeting to continue discussion about holding family-friendly drag events in Tri-Cities. Criticism of children's access to drag events has led to demonstrations, vandalism and threats in Pasco and Richland. Read More
A tanker airplane drops fire retardant on a wildfire burning near Twisp, Wash. Three firefighters were killed battling the blaze. (Credit: Ted S. Warren / Associated Press) Listen (Runtime 1:07) […]Read More
While hiking, Nancy Lust, with Friends of Rocky Top, watches a truck dump waste into a landfill in Yakima County. Lust lives near the landfill and has fought to learn […]Read More
Después de que ciudadanos se manifestaran a favor y en contra de los espectáculos drag para toda la familia en Tri-Cities, el restaurante The Emerald of Siam de Richland recibió un sobre amenazador.Read More
Manifestantes han organizado múltiples demostraciones en Tri-Cities. Unos se alinearon afuera de un espectáculo drag con temática de Disney en Pasco. Y en Richland otros protestaron afuera de un drag brunch de Pascua. La discusión se está extendiendo también a las reuniones de los concejos locales y comisiones en los condados de Benton y Franklin.Read More
Largos abrazos y lágrimas de alegría. Así fue el reencuentro de Claudia Cifuentes con dos de sus hijos -Claudia y Kevin- tras 15 años de separación.Read More
The Cow Canyon Fire burns near Naches, Washington in August 2022. New funding from the federal government is earmarked to help Northwest communities become more resistant to wildfire. (Credit: Washington […]Read More
Dear NWPB audiences and supporters, Twitter recently labeled NPR’s (National Public Radio) official Twitter account as “state-affiliated media,” which is incorrect and then changed it to “government-funded media,” falsely implying that […]Read More
The Olympia School Board plans to vote tonight on whether to begin a reduction in force (RIF) process. School board President Darcy Huffman said it’s likely the board will approve the process, which would mean staff below a certain seniority level could be let go. Read More
A new test that uses just a drop of blood could help more people get tested and treated for a common, and frequently undetected, sexually transmitted infection. Read More
Manifestantes de Pasco y algunos ciudadanos preocupados de Richland quieren limitar el acceso de menores a los espectáculos drag. Dueños de establecimientos y artistas defienden los espectáculos para todos los públicos.Read More
For decades, the federal government declared all forest fires in the West a destructive force. Now, it is viewed as a fundamental part of the western ecosystem. Lauren Gallup and Mary Ellen Pitney explain.Read More
April is National Poetry Month and today/Wednesday, the Washington State Arts Commission announced that Arianne True will serve as the state’s new poet laureate beginning in May. Lauren Gallup spoke with the Tacoma-based writer and educator.Read More
After supporters and protesters demonstrated for and against family-friendly drag shows in the Tri-Cities, the Emerald of Siam restaurant in Richland received a threatening envelope. Read More
Supporters and protesters outside of The Emerald of Siam in Richland. (Credit: Johanna Bejarano / NWPB) Listen (Runtime 1:52) Read Drag shows in the Tri-Cities have come under protest. Some […]Read More
The Olympia School District, like others across the state, is facing a budget deficit that could result in layoffs. The district is estimating a shortfall of up to $11.5 million for the 2023-24 school year. Read More
After 15 years, Claudia Cifuentes reunited with her children. She returned to the U-S from Guatemala through a family reunification process after being deported in 20-08 when her children were still underage. Read More
Protesters in Pasco and concerned citizens in Richland want to limit children's access to drag shows. Business owners and performers defend the all-ages events. Read More
When COVID-19 reached the Inland Northwest, few people could have predicted how profoundly it would change their life. NWPB’s Rachel Sun interviewed local residents about how the pandemic affected them. This is the last of a four-part mini series. Read More
An illustration of a potential floating wind turbine under the water. Credit: University of Maine Listen (Runtime 1:00) Read With the climate rapidly changing, researchers are trying to find ways […]Read More
Deborah Beckett sits at a table with her husband Geoff’s prescriptions. Geoff, who is unable to walk due to his Parkinson’s, rests in a bed behind her. Photo by Rachel […]Read More
Dolores Huerta spoke about her years of activism at the WSU Pullman campus April 3. (Credit: College Assistance Migrant Program) Listen (Runtime 1:07) Read Civil rights activist Dolores Huerta spoke […]Read More
The Tacoma Art Museum Workers United committee is still in limbo after a special meeting March 31 with the museum’s board of trustees. The board did not announce a decision on whether to recognize the workers’ union. Read More
A cross country skier follows a trail on the Sunny M Ranch property in the Methow Valley. The Methow Conservancy hopes to purchase the land this summer. Credit: Courtney Flatt […]Read More
Trabajadores agrícolas del centro de Washington y sus familias necesitan más información para protegerse del humo, opciones asequibles para el cuidado de sus hijos y otros recursos que los ayuden a estar preparados ante futuros eventos de humo. Read More
Farmworkers’ families in Central Washington need more smoke safety information, accessible childcare, and other resources to be prepared for future smoke events. Those are the results of a recent study where researchers asked parents how they cope with wildfire seasons. Read More
American Federation of Teachers members picket for more investment in community and technical colleges at the Capitol sundial. (Credit: Cortney Marabetta / AFT) Listen (Runtime 00:56) Read Students, faculty and […]Read More
La organización sin ánimo de lucro Friends of Toppenish Creek está pidiendo a la Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente de EE.UU. (EPA por sus siglas en inglés) que reabra una queja contra la Agencia Regional de Aire Limpio de Yakima (YRCAA en inglés). Read More
That history tends to repeat itself, especially when people don’t learn lessons from the past, is the guiding sentiment for Teresa Pan-Hosley in her work as the president of the Chinese Reconciliation Project Foundation. This organization is solely dedicated to reconciling the dark history of the Chinese expulsion from Tacoma in 1885. Read More
Idaho’s direct care workforce isn’t being paid enough to sustain the needs of people with disabilities and seniors, according to a February report by the Legislature’s Office of Performance Evaluations.Read More
Photo courtesy of Melyssa Andrews Listen (Runtime 1:23) Read When COVID-19 reached the Inland Northwest, few people could have predicted how profoundly it would change their lives. NWPB’s Rachel Sun […]Read More
Maximillian Bazler and Megan Hudlet, both students at North Idaho College, sit together between classes as they discuss the possibility of NIC losing its accreditation. (Credit: Kaitlyn Nicholas / NWPB) […]Read More