Workers clear canals of debris in preparation for spring irrigation season in the Roza Irrigation District. (Courtesy: Dave Rollinger) Listen (Runtime 1:00) Read A story in plot points: a federal […]Read More
Northwest News
It’s that time of year when flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, and crews working for the Samish Indian Nation are scouting shorelines within the San Juan archipelago, looking for marine debris. Read More
Las elecciones primarias están en marcha. Si planea votar y tiene algunas dudas sobre cómo llenar su boleta de votación, una funcionaria electoral de Yakima da algunos consejos que puede tener en cuenta para asegurarse de que su voto cuente.Read More
Primary elections are underway, and you may have doubts about how to fill out your ballot. A Yakima elections leader gives some tips from that people can keep in mind to make sure their vote counts.Read More
Researcher Sara Hutton, a doctoral graduate of OSU, extracts RNA for qPCR to test gene expression of genes effected by pyrethroid exposure in the different generations of inland silverside fish. […]Read More
By: Jeanie Lindsay, Northwest News Network Washington’s 60-day legislative session has ended. Spirits were high in Olympia Thursday as lawmakers adjourned “sine die.” Many legislators donned sequin or sparkly accessories, […]Read More
Bree R. Black Horse es la nueva asistente del fiscal, dedicada a investigar casos relacionados con personas indígenas desaparecidas y asesinadas en el Noroeste.Read More
Yakama Nation aviary biologists Michael Beckler (left) and Alyssa Woodward pose for a photo with Yakama Nation Tribal Council member Terry Heemsah (center) as Washington State University wildlife veterinarian Dr. […]Read More
Bree R. Black Horse is the new prosecutor dedicated to solving cases involving Missing and Murdered Indigenous People in the Northwest.Read More
The Northport Bridge over the Columbia River in Washington state near the border with Canada. Portions of the upper Columbia River and its upland areas may be designated a Superfund […]Read More
Residents in north central Idaho have the chance to influence what health and social service programs are available in their community through the end of March.Read More
Supporters of the bill, including lawmakers who are firefighters, gathered this week in Olympia to highlight the success of the bill’s passage. (Credit: Lauren Gallup / NWPB) Listen (Runtime :55) […]Read More
Investigadores están desarrollando revestimientos especiales para proteger los vinos del noroeste de cualquier sabor a humo.Read More
By: Jeanie Lindsay, Northwest News Network After hours of public speeches, the Washington Legislature decided Monday to once again make changes to the state rules around police car chases. Lawmakers […]Read More
By: Jeanie Lindsay / NW News Network A majority of lawmakers in the Washington Legislature decided Monday to approve three voter initiatives, after weeks of uncertainty and plenty of tense […]Read More
La audiencia ante el Tribunal de Distrito de EE.UU. para el Distrito Oeste de Washington debería ayudar a definir el futuro de un distrito legislativo en el valle de Yakima. Los partidarios afirman que las propuestas de redibujar el mapa podrían preservar el voto latino, pero quienes se oponen dicen que podría diluir el voto de los nativos americanos.Read More
Police Chief James Fry addresses reporters on December 30, 2022 to announce that a suspect in the University of Idaho student killings has been apprehended. (Credit: Lauren Paterson / NWPB) […]Read More
A hearing before the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington should help define the future of a Legislative District map in the Yakima Valley. Supporters say the redrawn map proposals could preserve the Latino vote but opponents say it could dilute the native vote.Read More
By: Jeanie Lindsay, Northwest News Network During the penultimate week of Washington’s 2024 legislative session, lawmakers left behind some major bills, committees held public hearings and voted on some high-profile […]Read More
By: Jeanie Lindsay, NW News Network Public hearings on three of six voter initiatives continued Wednesday. Lawmakers took a closer look at two measures, focused on parental rights and police […]Read More
A marijuana harvester examines a bud that is going through a trimming machine near Corvallis, Ore. Idahoans frequently cross into Washington and Oregon to buy cannabis. (Credit: AP Photo / […]Read More
While it's not instant forgiveness, the Saving on a Valuable Education plan does forgive debt, eventually. This month, the rules on the new program changed to make that forgiveness come a bit sooner, for some.
Now, student loan borrowers on the plan who borrowed less could see loan forgiveness in as little as 10 years, with no undergraduate borrowers waiting more than 20 Read More
Pinot noir grapes at Oregon State University’s Woodhall Vineyard undergoing smoke experiments. (Credit: Sean Nealon / OSU) Listen (Runtime :54) Read Researchers are developing special coatings to protect Northwest wines […]Read More
By: Jeanie Lindsay, Northwest News Network One of the most high profile bills in Olympia has apparently stalled for the final time in the Legislature this year. The measure, which […]Read More
Federal, state and tribal leaders officially signed an agreement Friday to better protect salmon in the Columbia River and halt court cases for the next 10 years. (Credit: White House […]Read More
Las aplicaciones para obtener ayuda financiera federal destinada a educación están abiertas desde ahora hasta junio.Read More
Applications for federal student financial aid are open from now, through June. FAFSA recently launched its form 2024-25, which expands the eligibility criteria for federal student aid. Students and families can get some help understanding the process at several different places in Central Washington.Read More
People walk along a trail at Leslie Groves Park in Richland, Wash. (Credit: Courtney Flatt / Northwest News Network) Listen (Runtime 1:02) Read A new study has found – when it […]Read More
Un controvertido proyecto energético en el centro-sur de Washington está un paso más cerca de empezar a construirse. Una comisión federal ha dado a conocer su informe medioambiental definitivo sobre el proyecto de almacenamiento de energía por bombeo de Goldendale, lo que preocupa a varias tribus y grupos ecologistas.Read More
Una organización de justicia racial de Seattle amplía su alcance con una subvención de 30.000 dólares a una fundación que educa en derechos civiles a las comunidades del Palouse.Read More
The 222-S Laboratory mainly studies the physical and chemical characteristics of radioactive waste to support retrieving waste from Hanford’s large underground tanks. Tuesday a vial of chemicals was found there […]Read More
When Mike Allende started managing social media for the Washington State Department of Transportation, he was told “don’t be boring.”
“Boring” is probably the last word any one would use to describe Allende’s approach to the job, which massively grew engagement while he worked there. Known by some fans as Mr. WSDOT, he’s the man behind the most followed state department Read More
A photo illustration of a tobacco hawkmoth navigating to a flower amid air fouled by vehicle exhaust emissions. (Credit: Floris Van Breugel / Courtesy Of The University Of Washington) Listen […]Read More
Un controvertido parque eólico que iba a ser el mayor de Washington ha sido reducido a la mitad. El proyecto propuesto en las afueras de Tri-Cities ha suscitado preocupación por su impacto sobre los halcones en peligro de extinción y los miradores. Sin embargo, su promotor dijo que estas nuevas restricciones podrían ser perjudiciales para el desarrollo de las energías Read More
Washington Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell held a press conference at the Mother Theresa Haven in Spokane, Washington – a 48-unit complex built a few years ago with funding from the […]Read More
Contractor crews working to remove more of the eastbound lane concrete panels. (Credit: WSDOT) Listen Read (Runtime 1:02) The major failing irrigation culverts that run under Interstate-82 between Yakima and […]Read More
Young adult books at the Columbia County Library. Some people have requested to move the YA section into the adult section because of what they call “obscene” material in 100 […]Read More
Two portable toilets were installed at Foster Park in Clarkston on Friday morning after some unhoused residents started sleeping at the park following the closure of a homeless camp on February 12th.Read More
By: Jeanie Lindsey, NW News Network With just a few weeks left in this year’s legislative session, Washington lawmakers are starting to unveil budget plans and consider bills in the […]Read More
Listen An aerial view of the lower village of Taholah, Washington on the edge of the Pacific Coast. (Credit: Quinault Indian Nation) (Runtime :48) Read New funding from the U.S. […]Read More
Unhoused residents in the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley found bathrooms locked on Foster Park after they moved there from a camp that was closed Monday evening in Clarkston. NWPB's Rachel Sun reports.Read More
East of Tacoma, across Highway 18, down a packed gravel road, and behind a locked metal gate, Tacoma Water churns over the Green River. This is the source for most of Tacoma’s drinking water. Read More
Stevie Haberman plays piano with singer Mary Lou Gnoza and Gary Danielson. (Credit: Annie Warren / NWPB) Listen (Runtime 4:33) Read The Emerald of Siam is the night spot for […]Read More
The landmark 1974 case ordered Washington to uphold its treaties, affirm Indigenous salmon fishing rights and recognize Native nations’ sovereignty.Read More
Un grupo de trabajo en Bellingham ayudará a que el Consejo Asesor de Inmigración, o IAB (por sus siglas en inglés), funcione mejor. La medida llega después de que el Concejo de la ciudad de Bellingham hablara de suspender las próximas reuniones de ese organismo. Read More
A view from the edge of the cliff where the Goldendale Energy Storage Project could be built. An underground tunnel would carry water from a upper reservoir to a reservoir […]Read More
Houseless people living near the Walmart in Clarkston were notified on Wednesday that have just days to leave a camp they’ve stayed at since November.Read More
A workgroup in Bellingham will help to make the Immigration Advisory Board, or IAB, work better. The move comes after the city council talked about suspending the next advisory board meetings. Now, a community group is organizing on top of it all.Read More
The Inatai Foundation granted $30,000 to the Terry Buffington Foundation to advance its work. Listen (Runtime 1:54) Read A racial justice organization in Seattle is expanding its reach with a […]Read More
Glenn Johnson spent 20 years in his position as Pullman's Mayor before retiring this year. Johnson first moved to Pullman over 40 years ago, and has since served in numerous positions within the community and at Washington State University. He sat down with NWPB's Rachel Sun this week to talk about his time as mayor, and plans for the future.Read More