Capital Budget Includes Millions For Eastern Washington Affordable Projects, Schools
The Washington Legislature approved a one-point-five billion dollar capital budget this week. It will help fund several affordable housing, medical clinics and school modernization projects in Eastern Washington.
The capital budget includes about three-million dollars to complete an affordable housing development for low-income people and money for a child care center in Airway Heights. Seven-hundred-thousand will fully fund a behavioral health center in the old Hillyard Library in Spokane.
“Even though there’s partisan differences in the region, everybody plays as a team when it comes to local issues here. You’ve got a really strong team working for you in the Senate, regardless of party, to make sure the big issues are addressed,” said Senator Jeff Holy, who represents Spokane County’s West Plains.
Schools across eastern Washington are set to get several million dollars. Republic, Tekoa and St. John’s School District will get money for modernization projects. Spokane Public Schools will receive one-million for an early learning Classroom at Logan Elementary.
The capital budget awaits Governor Jay Inslee’s signature.