Nonprofit aims to increase voter participation in rural Washington communities
(Runtime 01:08)
On Election Day, Rural People’s Voice members canvassed Wenatchee neighborhoods with low voter turnout, reminding residents to submit their ballots.
“We’re here to remind people that today, November 5, is the last day to turn in their ballots,” said Teresa Bendito. “Many in this area speak Spanish, and we want to ensure they know today is the deadline.”
The nonprofit focuses on improving the quality of life for rural Washington residents by advocating for candidates and policies that align with the needs of these communities. Its mission includes promoting civic education and providing rural residents in North Central Washington with resources and information on how to get involved in local government.
Rural People’s Voice has hosted events for local community members to learn about civic engagement while creating a culturally inclusive environment, such as its Ballot & Block Party that brought residents together in Wenatchee.
The event also took place on Oct. 19 attendees met local candidates running for state senate, house of representatives, county commissioner, public utility district and the Washington State Supreme Court.
At the event, the nonprofit gathered community feedback through a sticker board where attendees highlighted key concerns like housing, healthcare, education and public health. Resources and pamphlets were available in Spanish, and bilingual volunteers were present to assist, ensuring accessibility for South Wenatchee’s predominantly Latino community.

“This area of South Wenatchee is one of the densest neighborhoods in all of Wenatchee. We know that there are more people who can walk to this event. There are also a lot of folks who speak Spanish, and we want to make sure this event is as accessible to them as possible,” said Bendito.

For some attendees, the event was a pleasant surprise. Samuel Palma, who had not originally planned to attend, was encouraged by local volunteers from Rural People’s Voice to join the festivities. “I liked the event today. It’s good. I learned about our government. My son also is having fun playing. We are both learning new things today,” said Palma.
The nonprofit organization serves multiple counties in North Central Washington, including Douglas, Chelan and Okanogan. Its primary goal is to educate community members about local government, so they can become more actively involved in the civic process.

“We want to build a political home in which all of us don’t need to be divided. I think all of us would love to see more events where candidates, instead of telling us where they stand on the issue. Spend more time listening to where we all stand on the issues that matter most to us,” said the nonprofit’s executive director, Elana Mainer.