Suzanne Bona Speaks Passionately About Classical Music: Concert Tonight!

Suzanne Bona of Sunday Baroque.
An accomplished flute player, Suzanne Bona will perform tonight, Wednesday, March 20th in Moscow, Idaho with guitarist James Reid.

Suzanne spoke about the importance of classical music to nearly 100 guests at Moscow’s 1912 Center during a NWPB fundraising luncheon.

Suzanne related how she took music for granted for a long time. Her family was very musical and it was second nature to be surrounded by melodies. But after becoming a radio host and hearing from listeners on how music helped them through tough times, Suzanne began a deeper appreciation for classical music. 

After a delightful lunch and dessert, Suzanne encouraged the guests to be patrons of classical music and to encourage others to do the same.  

Hear Suzanne perform music tonight with guitarist James Reid at the University of Idaho Admin Auditorium. Doors open at 6:30pm ad the concert starts at 7. 

Tickets are $15 and available at Brown Paper Tickets.

Then on Thursday afternoon, Suzanne joins Anjuli Dodhia to host classical music from 1-3pm on NWPB. 

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